After the success of the first edition, the EFOMP Special Interest Group for Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry and the Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists will organise the second Symposium on Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry in Athens, Greece, in Nov. 2025.
To review and discuss ongoing developments in radionuclide internal dosimetry at a time of rapid expansion of theragnostics and molecular radiotherapy, and to consider the way ahead with informed treatments for patients’ benefit.
Attendees (Maximum 250):
Physicists, oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiopharmacists, radiobiologists, and all professionals interested in the field.
Tentative programme:
6 sessions from Thursday 13th, 9.00 CET, to Saturday 15th, 18.00 CET
Session format:
- Invited talks
- Selected oral & poster communications
- Round tables & debates
- Practical (hand on) sessions (Dosimetry open house)
- Continuous Professional Development (CPD) early sessions
- Manufacturer/sponsor sessions
Scientific topics:
- Radiopharmaceutical development and regulatory aspects
- Clinical and preclinical dosimetry methodology:
- Small scale dosimetry (including cellular and small animal dosimetry)
- Quantitative imaging and imaging protocols
- Pharmacokinetic modelling
- Absorbed dose calculation algorithms
- Personalised treatment planning within theragnostics
- Clinical dosimetry and clinical trials:
- Radioimmunotherapy
- Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy
- PSMA therapy
- Radioiodine therapy
- 131I mIBG therapy
- Therapies involving combined irradiation (internal/external)
- Alpha, Auger and emerging therapies
- Selective Internal Radiotherapy
- Radiobiology (including clinical, preclinical and theoretical models)
- QA, standardisation of dosimetry including risk assessment
The objective of the EFOMP Special Interest Group for Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry (SIG) is to establish a network of medical physicists working in radionuclide dosimetry. The SIG aims to fulfil the need for networking, education, research and professional exchanges in this field. To fulfil these aims, EFOMP SIG_FRID will organise a Symposium on molecular radiotherapy dosimetry in Athens, Greece.
The Symposium will give the opportunity:
- to review and share ongoing developments in radionuclide imaging and dosimetry;
- to consider how personalised treatments may improve effectiveness at a time of rapid expansion of theragnostics and molecular radiotherapy
- to discuss networking and synergies within a muti-disciplinary community at a time of challenge and opportunity.
Invited Speakers

Irène Buvat
Institut Curie,
Orsay, France
AI: a game changer in quantitative molecular imaging and clinical dosimetry

Mark Gaze
University College of London,
Can dosimetry improve the outcome of molecular radiotherapy for neuroblastoma?

Caroline Stokke
Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Implementation of Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapy: Results from a European Survey

Jan Taprogge
Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton,
Quantitative imaging and dosimetry of radioiodine in multi-centre clinical trials

Carlo Chiesa
Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan,
Dosimetry and clinical outcome in radioembolization: light and shadow

Manuel Bardiès
Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier, France
Implementing QA in clinical dosimetry

Gerhard Glatting
University of Ulm,
Time-Activity Data, Model Fitting and Model Selection in Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry

Anna Sundlöv
Swedish Medical Products Agency, Sweden
Therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals in a changing regulatory landscape

Marta Cremonesi
European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy
Dose-effects in Molecular Radiotherapy: lutetium-labelled radiopharmaceuticals

Glenn Flux
Royal Marsden Hospital,
EFOMP policy statement on Dosimetry in Molecular Radiotherapy – The Final Countdown?

Katarina Sjögreen-Gleisner
Lund University,
EFOMP policy statement on Dosimetry in Molecular Radiotherapy – The Final Countdown?
Organised by
Endorsed by
Hosted by
This course has been accredited by EBAMP as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 7
The event has been judged to have 19 hours of educational experience, which, according to the EBAMP protocol is equivalent to 27 CPD points. The Accreditation Code for the event is: APP00249

52 Panepistimiou Str., 10678, Athens